Piccolo Silver Glitter Wallpaper

Arthouse Piccolo Glitter Wallpaper

Piccolo Silver Glitter Wallpaper

Piccolo Silver Glitter Wallpaper from Arthouse is a great way to add a touch of modern styling to your home this season.

This delightful wallpaper has an elegant pattern so it is sure to make a welcome addition to any space. It is also made to coordinate beautifully with the Lazzaro design from the Katarina Wallpaper Collection. This heavyweight vinyl wallpaper has a stunning quilted design. Brought to life in a contemporary silver colour scheme, the subtle glitter accents complete the look.

Finally, use the Arthouse Piccolo Glitter Wallpaper alone throughout a room or as a feature wall. Mix and match with the coordinating design to customise your look. With a washable finish, it’s even suitable for heavy traffic areas of your home.

Trending Now Stunning Quilted Wallpaper from Arthouse – View and Buy @ GoWallpaper