damp proof paper

Where and how to use Anderton Damp Proof Foil Paper in your home.

Lining papers are widely used when redecorating to deal with issues that can affect the end result of wallpapering – like disguising wall imperfections, stopping stains leaching into wallpaper and creating a smoother finish. But one problem that normal lining papers cannot prevent damaging wallpaper if its damp. But now there’s a solution in the form of Anderton Damp Proof Foil paper.

How foil lining paper works

Anderton has developed a three in one damp proof foil lining paper that provides a robust barrier against damp and the associated problems caused by mould and mildew. The paper is made from three layers – foil, a layer of bitumen for added damp protection and a layer of kraft paper that helps to smooth walls like regular lining paper.

How to apply foil lining paper

It’s very important to remedy the cause of an underlying damp problem before applying Anderton Damp Proof Foil. Causes of damp include leaking gutters, high ground water levels or poor ventilation in your home. Once you’ve identified and resolved the source of the problem, you apply the foil backed paper just like normal lining paper.

Where to use Foil Lining Paper.

You can use Foil Damp Proof Lining Paper in any room in the home. That means bedrooms, living rooms etc as well as rooms where condensation is a problem, such as shower rooms, bathrooms, laundry rooms etc.