Cassiopeia Striped Plum Wallpaper

Erismann Cassiopeia Striped Plum Wallpaper

Cassiopeia Striped Plum Wallpaper

Cassiopeia Striped Plum Wallpaper from Erismann is a beautiful wallpaper featuring wide stripes in two differing tones.

The wallpaper has a pearlised surface which provides this luxury smooth non-woven wall covering with a touch of sophistication. This ensures a glamorous feel to any room in the home. An appearance of texture adds further interest to this contemporary wallpaper.  So it creates an excellent feature wall. Use as a stand-alone wallpaper for a larger room.

Finally, this is a paste the wall or wallpaper product which is also washable for ease of care.

Add A Touch of Sophistication with Plum – View and Buy @ GoWallpaper