Little Greene Carlisle Street

Little Greene Carlisle Street Wallpaper in Metal

Little Greene Carlisle Street

Little Greene Carlisle Street Wallpaper in Metal is specially designed to add a bold sense of style to your home this season.

Firstly, this wallpaper design is part of Little Greene’s Painted Papers collection. It celebrates designs from English Heritage and Manchester’s Whitworth Art Gallery. The original design has been updated to leave an exquisite floral design and bold stripe effect. It is perfect for adding interest to any room. Furthermore, this wallpaper is well suited for use in a dining room or living room.

The Little Greene Carlisle Street Wallpaper in Metal comes in a fabulous contrast of light grey and black. A timeless yet elegant look to any room. Use throughout a room or just on one wall to create a focal point.

Add A Contrasting Feature To A Room – View and Buy @ GoWallpaper