Muriva Art Deco Gold Metallic Wallpaper

Art Deco Gold Metallic Wallpaper from Muriva

Muriva Art Deco Gold Metallic Wallpaper

Muriva Art Deco Gold Metallic Wallpaper beautifully combines retro and contemporary styling for a great look.

This wallpaper from Muriva is part of the much-loved Precious Silks Wallpaper Collection.  It features an Art Deco inspired design which is brought to life in a wonderful gold metallic colour scheme. Furthermore, it creates a great look. It is sure to make a welcome addition to any room.

Finally, use the Muriva Art Deco Gold Metallic Wallpaper alone throughout a room. Mix and match with other designs from the same collection to complete the look. A great choice for updating a living or dining room this season.

Retro Styling with Metallic Wallpaper – View and Buy @ GoWallpaper