Watercolour Trees Pink Wallpaper

Nina Hancock Watercolour Trees Pink Wallpaper

Watercolour Trees Pink Wallpaper

Watercolour Trees Pink Wallpaper by Nina Hancock is a great way to add a vibrant splash of colour to your home this season.

Firstly, this beautiful wallpaper is part of the Senzai Wallpaper Collection. So it is sure to make a welcome addition to your walls. It features an elegant tree inspired design with a watercolour illusion. The pink colour scheme adds a feminine look whilst an acrylic coating offers a low sheen effect. Furthermore, it is  washable for ease of care.

The Nina Hancock Watercolour Trees Pink Wallpaper is perfect for use in a bedroom or living area. Use alone or as a feature wall for a fabulous look to a room.

Pretty In Pink with Nina Hancock- View and Buy @ GoWallpaper