Zebra Ornament Cream Metallic Wallpaper

Versace Zebra Ornament Cream Metallic Wallpaper

Zebra Ornament Cream Metallic Wallpaper

Zebra Ornament Cream Metallic Wallpaper from Versace is an ornamental luxury wall covering. Being so creative, it will bring elegance and glamour to any room.

An imaginative design with Greek metallic floral scrolls and large crosses. Filled with a leopard skin illustration, sitting on a realistic zebra skin background. It also features the trademark Versace Medusa head. Designed by Donatella Versace herself, this is part of the Vasmara Collection and features in the Versace Wallpaper Collection III.

Finally, this is a paste the wall or wallpaper product and extra washable for ease of care.

Add A Touch of Glamour with Versace – View and Buy @ GoWallpaper