wallrock premium

Wallrock Premium 200 – 55 Single Lining Paper

Wallrock Premium by Erfurt Mav, is made from a unique mixture of high quality paper and synthetic fibres blended together to deliver a perfectly smooth and flat finish to your walls and ceilings. Wallrock Premium is not just smooth, it is the smoothest lining paper available on the market. On top of that it is easy to use (paste the wall or the paper), is incredibly tough and it offers an excellent paint surface. This really is the ultimate lining paper.

Wallrock Premium “55 Single” is 55cm wide and 10 metres in length, or in other words, standard size. For longer and wider rolls that are more economical and quicker to hang take a look at our Premium lining paper in 75cm width and 25 metre size rolls.

The Ultimate Lining Paper – View and Buy @ GoWallpaper

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