
Zinsser BullsEye 1-2-3 Primer Sealer

Zinsser BullsEye 1-2-3 Primer Sealer is one of the most versatile primers on the market and can be used successfully on nearly any surface inside or out. Made from a non-toxic and hypoallergenic water based acrylic resin, Zinsser BullsEye is mould and mildew resistant making it an excellent choice for bathrooms, utility areas, kitchens and anywhere where dampness is a problem. It seals in existing mould stains and inhibits further mould and mildew growth.

Zinsser BullsEye is also an excellent ceramic tile primer, MDF primer, metal primer and wood primer. Use it on both glossy and porous surfaces including hardboard, concrete, laminates, plaster & plasterboard, PVC and even glass! Zinsser BullsEye is particularly effective as a primer for ferrous metals such as iron and steel because it hinders rust formation. To learn more about the full range of applications of this incredible product follow the links below.

Versatile Primers with Zinsser – View and Buy @ GoWallpaper

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